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This City Has No Trash

Garbage has become a serious problem for many people. Not just in Indonesia, some other countries also faced problems with garbage. When in call for using recycled materials waste and harms to the environment it has often been undertaken. But nonetheless there are still many people who do not care about this.

It takes a strong commitment from any society if it is to return the environment clean and healthy, not just of the Government only. Well, the commitment of the citizens of Kamikatsu is arguably the terrific in terms of waste management. Until finally the city is referred to as the "zero waste" aka without waste!

Separate the Garbage to be 34 Categories

If in most other regions such as in Indonesia, the trash is usually only marked with organic – organic or wet – dry. In Kamikatsu, garbage is separated into 34 categories. Don't be mistaken for this separation is done the recycling officer, but the citizens themselves!

Paper waste separated into: newspapers, magazines, cardboard and leaflets. While garbage cans back divided into several parts such as aluminum, steel, and spray bottle. Even for plastic bottles, bottle and lid were separated and put into a different container.

Residents who Really Had the intention of Village Net

In this small town there is no garbage truck. Then who bring the garbage to the recycling place? Yes its citizens. Not even just for transport, residents must wash, and sorting through the trash of its own.

In-place recycling workers then checked again trash-trash already split it to ensure that its secession is correct. It takes time to get used to, but with the intention of every citizen to live in a city that is clean, they can do it too. This is because they are aware of, have a clean city that's the responsibility of everyone who lived there.

A Hassle But It Is Important To Do

Indeed appear to bother anyway, to have to sort through and clean up the garbage bins themselves. But yes it is a form of their responsibility to the environment and yourself. The citizens themselves do not consider it a hassle because it is a clean and beautiful environment that is desire together.

This small town has the mission to become a community without first rubbish by 2020. And this time, they are already approaching the target. How does the current, Kamikatsu has already managed to recycle 80 percent of their garbage and other buried 20 percent. The process has been running for 12 years.
In 2003, they are aware of the danger to any place to dump and burn waste for the environment and their population. That's why they later declared ambition to become a city without trash.

Recycling has become the importent thing in Japan

Not just Kamikatsu, other regions have also been recycling practice. Business sector are required to do the recycling. Amazingly, this country had a garbage sorting system that is so detailed. In Yokohama, the community is given as a guide book 27 page that describes how to sort through more than 500 remaining garbage.

Residents of Kamikatsu himself said that if already accustomed, do your own parsing like this it is natural and normal. They've even not too think of things like this and sort out garbage properly already become an everyday thing.

Their commitment to keeping nature and live in a clean environment is worth a thumbs up. But if in Indonesia put in place like this, maybe the first reaction that comes up is "elaborate!" Ouch, "then the yellow troops for what!", "a lot of work, dont have time to separate the garbage ", "this is the task of the Government" and so on. But it's also possible the people who truly care about the environment will support.

But perhaps most importantly, the habit of waste litter that needs to be addressed first
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