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Five of the world's poorest Countries

A prosperous countries and prosperous countries have a system of strong and stable economy. To build a stable economy is certainly in need of a country the role of Government as well as the community that help each other and complement each other. In addition the education evenly as well as the absence of political conflicts that undermine can make the country prosper and prosper.

However, for some countries, especially countries which are still developing very difficult it feels to achieve it all. The political war to corruption rampant surely hampered the country in providing comfort on its inhabitants. As was the case in the following countries are said to be the most miserable in the world.

Almost no easy or happy words which can be felt inhabitants in the countries below. Political conflicts to obscure war in fact has provided deep wounds for residents who want to feel the sweetness of life. Here are five of the most poorest country in the world:


The first country to fall into the category of State of misery in the world is the Congo. The conflict until the war that ever happened in this country apparently has made some of the people miserable. In the second Congo war that started in 1998 is the culmination of a very violent war and regarded as Africa's world war.

Because it involves nine African countries and twenty armed groups. Although it has been independent for more than 50 years, Congo has faced a long series of military conflicts and endless social which has destroyed this country.

In addition, conflict ruled the vast gardens abundant wealth has led to some of the most violent and terrible atrocities ever happened in the history of mankind. Congo's rich mineral resources, has been taken out to fund the war and for personal benefit, while most of its citizens live below the poverty line


Zimbabwe is not only known for poverty and malnutrition, its population, its layout without the sea and food scarcity, but also because of damage to the law in this country. So many violations of the rights to a residence (House and land you can somebody lightly), freedom of movement and residence, freedom of Assembly and the lack of legal protection.

Though the country is very rich in precious metals, minerals and other natural resources, but its people's life is very miserable. Despite the fact that the ground state has abundant diamond deposits, the inhabitants are living in fear, murder, starvation, and arbitrariness. Inflation in the country is soaring up to 2.2 million%!

Besides AIDS, the country also hit by cholera outbreaks. The victims fell because the Government is not able to give a proper health facility. Even the hospital there on the cover, and doctors as well as medical officer to move to other countries.

If you've never spent the food on your plate, then remember Somalia! The country that ' famous ' by a scarcity of food, Somalia is regarded as the worst example of a famine caused by natural and human. Even starvation is so bad so as to destroy the existence of this country.

In addition to the plague and famine, Somalia is also famous in the world with a pirate them. Even Somalia is referred to as the most dangerous country in the world for the home, not just because of the activities of the terorismenya, but also because of economic conditions.


These countries have experienced war, corruption, lack of education and the impact of HIV/AIDS. Burundi is a country that is very solid and experienced massive emigration. According to DHL Global Connectedness Index, Burundi is the lowest level of globalisasinya in the world. The spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic is a disease that is common in this country.

due to very poor, compared to per-capita income, Indonesia and Burundi 400 times smaller than Indonesia! These countries also have the most conflict compared to any country in the world.


Liberia has been transformed into the most "dirty" in the face of the Earth because of the absence of basic facilities for life. The problem of the appalling sanitation systems as well as the lack of food is a combination of a thorough that destroyed this country.

Law in Liberia is very dilapidated, its economy undergoing collapsing. The country is facing a crisis on a larger scale. Almost half of the population survive with less than $ 1 per day.

Liberia actually destroyed by the civil war that plagued the country several times. As a result, thousands of its inhabitants became refugees, and had to live under humane standards. In 2005, Liberia has an unemployment rate of 85%. The worst in the world.
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