Law is a system created to restrict human behavior so that human behavior can be controlled. The law has a duty to guarantee the legal certainty of the community. No wonder people say that everyone is equal before the law, everyone is entitled to the same legal services without the presence of a difference.
Although in reality it is not the case, where the law only works for those who are strong in the material. Of course we are frequently witnessed how those who have power or Office gets legal treatment that is different than the common people. The irony however was the one reality.
Any person, whoever it filed lawsuits against other people over the courts want to take it and the case can be at the hearing. But what would happen if someone did something unusual thing i.e. anyone who sues God to court? Of course it is really not reasonable in not. Even though it sounds strange and unreasonable but that never happens in the real world.
Chandan Kumar Singh
A lawyer named Chandan Kumar Singh being famous in India. He sued the god Ram (in the tradition of the archipelago is usually called Sri Rama) to the High Court of the State of Bihar, over tudingan do domestic violence on his wife, Sita (more familiarly called Indonesia's Sinta).
As reported Decca Chronicle, Monday (9/2), one of the deities venerated in Hinduism it is believed Kumar applies unfair after Sita was kidnapped by Ravana. As told in the epic Ramayana, Sita requested burn himself to prove to Rama, that she never cheated on her for being left alone in the forest as well as when abducted the King of demons.
"After reading the story, I believe that Sri Rama was a perpetrator of domestic violence," said Kumar.
The majority of the population of India who converted to Hinduism denounced the lawsuit. Kumar accused the lawyers merely looking for popularity. The courts of Bihar has refused the suit last week, citing stories in religious teachings is not a legal positive study area. Condemned both sides, Kumar unmoved. He believed that the moral of the story is the practice, Sri Rama from the large number of cases of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, at least in the land of the Ganges it.
"If justice does Sita over the treatment of the deity who became role models for mankind, then women in daily life in modern times no matter hard they are," said City Attorney Sitamarhi it.
The news emerged, the Organization Advocates India currently hear Kumar. The permit was revoked because the practice is threatened is considered menistakan of religion.
Ernie Chambers
In 2007 United States Senators in Nebraska, Ernie Chambers sued God to court. According to him, the Lord hath threaten it with terror and causing fear among the pemilihnya. In his own words, "the Lord has spread death, destruction, and terror against the millions of inhabitants of the Earth."
In addition he also says God has caused disastrous floods, storms, and hurricanes, NBC News was quoted as saying. Chambers said he filed a demand to give you an idea that all people have a right to sue in court made, whoever the person is, whether rich or poor. But the judge declared the Chambers should be able to contact the defendant (in this case the Lord) so that this case can be forwarded.
Atheists claim the phrase in god we trust on the American dollar bill
A group of adherents of atheists in the United States are demanding the inscription "In God We Trust" in the American dollar bills in order to be deleted. Prosecutors called Michael Newdow convey its demands to the court file in the State of Ohio last January, as reported by the television station Fox News. Newdow says the phrase that means "we believe in God" it violates the separation of Church of State. He said the presence of the writing he felt forced by the Government to recognise the values of religion.
Reverend Mark Sharpe
Reverend Mark Sharpe, 44 years old, pastor at the village of Teme Valley South, United Kingdom, demanding God because a group of other Ministers forced him to resign from the Church through the abuse and terror.
Sharpe said the terror-terror that poisoned his dog, among others his car tires slashed, his phone was disconnected, and there was the smell of the dirt in his car. The newspaper the Daily Mail reported in November 2011, he claimed to be enforcing his resignation was not fair because it is already employed by the Lord. Since moving to the village in 2005 she claimed often got abuse and threats.
Pavel Mircea
Prisoner named Pavel Mircea, Romania, origin 40 years suing God to court for violating contractual agreements in 2005 when he was baptized. Mircea already 20 years languishing in prison and he says God has accepted his prayers and his Ministry without giving in return.
He claimed God gave him cash over his prayers and his Ministry over the years. But judges at the Court refused the case by saying God is outside the law and could not be sued by a black over white file.
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