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5 NASA'S Prestigious Projects end up Being Junk

People used to be probably would never think if the vast sky that could be explored. Never mind the crawl space, flying just still so something could not be done. However, growing civilization, then created NASA could finally realize the dream of exploration of the sky without limit it.

NASA is a pioneer of modern space knowledge which is then followed by a large number of other keantariksaan organizations in the world. Although many rivals, NASA is always one step ahead. They are always innovating by creating many cool tools more sophisticated every time. However, not all of which is done NASA successfully. Some are experiencing failures and make the country lose millions of dollars.

Here is a row of prestigious projects NASA expected a lot of people, but failed in the middle of the road.

1. Satellite Orbiting Carbon Observatory

Not just dive into the depths of space, NASA researchers are also very concerned with the Earth. One of the proof is to make it a cool satellite called Planet Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO). The satellite serves to examine how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that can be used to find out how the climate is changing.

Preparations are already OK, satellite ever launched. The expected high expectations suddenly turned 180 degrees when looking at OCO having issues haldi with rocket pendorongnya. Pato couldn't quite apart, satellite finally made and costs millions of dollars is smashed.

2. Demonstration for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology

Read the title of the project is to make a headache, let alone the description? Yes, this project is so wonderful, in fact it could be great discoveries that will make space exploration could be makin greget again. But unfortunately, this project failed with the landslide.

The demonstration for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology (DART) is a spacecraft whose job could connect a satellite with one another. This autonomous aircraft alias without a crew. Simulasinya the hell is quite successful, but when put into practice the results are not the same. Yes, the DART instead screwed up everything and failed mengalkulasi with pas. The aircraft is thus menubrukkan himself to a satellite that is important.

3. Mars Polar Lander

He said NASA would send humans to Mars mission a few years longer. It is arguably a good progress. This indicates NASA is already a little bit know a lot about the red planet. Unfortunately, to get the knowledge of NASA have to sacrifice a lot. One of them is passing Mars Polar Lander.

The satellite was flown in 1998 to reach Mars. The goal of its own to research the atmosphere and land there. The MPL alone successfully landing on Mars. Unfortunately, his connection with NASA cut off due to a thing. This project seems needlessly because they don't really get anything other than the millions of dollars that suddenly vanished.

4. Deep Space 2

Failed with MPL, NASA does not recede in spirit. They recreate a new satellite, this time under the name Deep Space 2. No matter his mission is the same i.e. to examine Mars and more in detail. Deep Space 2 successfully landing on Mars. However, the problem arises again.

Just like its predecessor, Deep Space 2 lost contact with NASA. Any researcher confusion why it is able to happen again. This multimillion dollar project eventually went back empty and does not produce anything.

5. NOAA-19

NOAA-19 is NASA'S prestigious projects with the aim to examine the atmosphere as well as the things that are causing climate change. This satellite is packed is perfect including technology-technology is great in it. Unfortunately any bad incident happened.

Not until it airs, the satellite suffered electrical problems because of an accident of handling carried out the engineer. NOAA-19 damaged and failed to create any researchers gain important data. Not only that, NASA itself also lose a few dozen million dollars.

Maybe if calculated, NASA already spend billions of dollars for all the failures that they already do. But, it doesn't matter anyway. Sometimes a great achievement indeed there must be sacrificed.

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